Friday, March 27, 2015

Contentment - The Art Of Happy

When asked, many people will state their goals in life in a somewhat typical fashion; health, wealth, freedom, and happiness. I have always viewed the latter as something that seems outside of yourself. It’s like making the statement: “I want to be happy in… (insert typical area of want here. i.e work, family, career, myself etc), or “I’ll be happy when…” The problem with making such a statement is that it is like dangling the carrot just in front of you. You can see it, but can’t quite reach it. It is there, and if only you could get that promotion at work, or if only you could get along better with your co-worker then you would be ‘happy.’

I propose a slightly different option for you. What if instead of aiming for being happy, you became content instead? I say this because being happy in my humble opinion is also like a finite resource. You can be happy for a time, but then it goes away when one of life’s unexpected upsets transpires. By aiming for contentment, it is something that is more within you. It is something that you choose, as opposed to an outside force that needs to occur before you can catch a brief moment of the all elusive happiness.

Check out the video below about contentment. Certainly makes you think a little.

So, the next time you catch yourself saying; I wish I was…, or I will be happy when… just stop and focus for a moment on what you already have, and be content.

Have a healthy, happy (ah, content) day...

Ok, so being 'happy' is pretty cool too, but you get the idea!

1 comment:

  1. A really good blog post, thank you. The video is very poignant......
