Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Nature’s Superfoods – Easy Ways to Eat Healthier

Eating well doesn’t necessarily have to be an arduous task. You can eat well, and eat yummy stuff at the same time. It doesn’t always have to be either or. I should probably put in a disclaimer here and say that I eat almost anything. Whilst I am fussy in some respects, for the most part I love fruit and vegies and a variety of foods in general. If you are not naturally adept at chowing down on the occasional celery stick, or piece of fruit, you may need to suck it up a little for the following list.

As we all know, some foods are packed with vitamins, minerals and healthy goodness, while others are nasty to our bodies. Below is a list of some of nature’s superfoods. Try adding some of these to your diet on a regular basis.

acai berryAçai: An exotic berry from the Amazon which has seen a lot of hype in recent years. The hype is not unfounded though, as this little berry contains a very unique concentration of amino acids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. You’ll also be pleased to know that this little piece of natural awesomeness can help combat premature aging due to its high content of something known as oleic acid. This helps omega oils penetrate cell membranes to keep them supple. Cool huh!

Yoghurt: You may have seen the ads on TV stating all the good bacteria it contains. The most well known culture in it is Lactobacillus acidophilus. This passes through the stomach and helps to restore balance in the digestive system. It can also help fight off infections. One cup of yoghurt contains fifty percent more calcium than a glass of milk. Some other big worded good stuff it contains are: potassium, riboflavin, magnesium and phosphate.

Broccoli: This lovely green vege is packed with vitamin C, folic acid, and carotenoids which are loaded with vitamin A and can help protect your body from free radicals. It also enhances the immune system, and even have an effect on reproductive health. One small serving of broccoli provides 175% of your daily vitamin K needs, which helps build strong bones and aids with blood coagulation. Broccoli is also said to have anti-carcinogenic properties as well.

bluberriesBlueberries: These guys are awesome too! In fact blueberries are even cancer-fighting. They contain high levels of ellagic acid, an antioxidant that has been proven to slow the growth of some cancerous tumors.

Hopefully that is enough to start with. Start adding a few of these into your diet on a more regular basis and begin to feel the difference. Like anything in life, it is about finding balance. Unless you go to the extremes, you don’t need to make too many radical changes to incorporate some of these into your dietary routine. A healthy diet isn’t all about cutting out the bad stuff, it is more about limiting the bad stuff, and ensuring that the good stuff we put into our bodies far outweighs the bad stuff.

I hope these tips help you! Have a fantastic, healthy day!

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