Monday, March 30, 2015

Turning your passion into a business

What do you absolutely love to do? What is your favourite pastime? If you had all the money you ever needed, what is the one thing you would do for fun? Ask yourself these key questions, and you will find the answer. Although one must admit that our modern-day society is shrouded in this type of advice and information, the undeniable truth of it all is that we live in a time where we have such  abundant access to information. Check out the video below if you really want to blow your mind on the amount of info there is out there. It is some phenomenal times we live in.

When I first got started online, my passion was for helping people. Whether that was in a healing capacity, teaching, listening to, or just helping them, I was really passionate about helping people in my life. I was fortunate enough to be able to turn this into a business that has been successful for nearly twenty years. I found my passion, and I was able to harness that into a product that I had developed out of my own necessity to help myself, and those around me that suffered from cold sores as well. 

When I realised that I had developed something that could help people in a drastic way, I knew I had found my calling. The tricky part for me was that I had no idea how to operate, or set up a business online. Especially given it was late 1996 when this occurred. It wasn’t as if the internet was filled with the same business set-ups and websites that are available today.

As I alluded to, I had passion, and I knew that my idea would work. I actually wasn’t too worried about the money at that point either, as I simply wanted to help as many people as possible, and thankfully I was able to.

When you find the core of what drives you, you can start to move towards that as a career aspiration. Maybe even a business? Doing what you love will give you more satisfaction and contentment in your life, as you will feel as though you are living your own life on purpose. You won’t be stuck in the job you despise, or be in a career path that is not fulfilling to you. You will be able to say that you do what you love.

They say that if you do do what you love, then the money will follow. Whilst this isn't always the case, is it not better to pursue a career, or job that you enjoy, rather than complain another day that you are not satisfied in your life?

Like many things in life, we have a choice to move towards pleasure, or away from pain. Given we only have one shot at this amazing thing called life, isn’t it better to become conscious of what we want, and aim to move towards our pleasures, than simply letting life go by and have a feeling of discontentment?

Here’s to health, wealth and contentment always

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